For Brother and Sister Henry and Audrey, link here.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Olivia has been going to Sunday School fairly regularly now, as freedom from illness or travel has allowed her a month or so of Sundays in her own bed and schedule.
She really seems to like the singing and class experience of Sunday School, and I've gotten to sit in with the class a couple times to verify that she is very verbally involved and interested.
This and her great-grandmother's funeral a few months ago lead to lots of interesting statements and questions. About God and heaven and what we do with peoples' bodies when they die and where their spirits go. And how did David kill Goliath with a little rock and what is a sling anyway? Today she told me that Oma was not crying for Great Grandma any more because she is up in heaven. And I told her that was true and that she could ask Oma about that anytime she wants to; talk to her about how she feels and what Great Grandma means to her. Told her that Oma would be be happy to talk about that anytime.
She sat on my lap for the sermon in church today, and defied my warning that Pastor Mark is going to talk for a while now and that he might say some things that she won't understand. She would regularly lean back and whisper in my ear things like "that means that Jesus is trapping people in a net" as Mark was discussing aspects of Matthew's verses of James and John leaving Zebedee and their nets to join Jesus on the shores of Galilee. Right she was.

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